Friday 11 September 2009

Why We Chose Shattered Glass

The lyrics of Shattered Glass appealed to us, due to it's heavy emotions, especially the anger and hurt that you can hear through the lyrics. We wanted to embody the lyrics into human form, showing a character who's life has been ruined, crippled by another, so revenge is what she seeks. The character was not intended to be the victim, she was intended to have been a victim, but now blinded by revenge, she sets out to ruin the mans life.

Also what was imagined was for the audience to be slightly scared of her, when in reality, she is the one that the audience should sympathise with, but in the end, when they find out that he ended the relationship suddenly and this idea can be read metaphorically and relate itself to the lyrics, in which the audience can interpret the man and woman's relationship shattering like glass, the opinion of the audience will completely sways from one to the other. The story was intended not to be predictable, it has to be thought provoking and interesting, and this twist in the character will hopefully make it more appealing.

Also what we got from the song that there is a spooky feeling about it, a haunting feeling. Therefore to apply the idea of the main character being haunted by his past, fitted into the style of the song. It is also quite upbeat, so we decided to at some parts have quick editing and her lip syncing the song.

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