Thursday 3 September 2009

Treatment for Music Video

Song : Shattered Glass
Artist : Britney Spears

Style of Video: The style of the video will be a mixture of performance and narrative, however it will mainly consist of narrative.

Mood: The mood of the video will be revenge, guilt and the video will also have a dark eerie feel to it. There will also be a feeling of nervousness by the male character throughout the video. As the video progresses further the higher the tension is felt by the male character.

Settings: Use of dark locations to emphasise the female character in the video also a use of bright locations as well to contrast the characters costume and personality.

Characters: Man aged between 18 - 25 average looking, looks stressed and guilty about something. He will be wearing a suit in the video as it will show the clear contrast between his job and the situation he is in.

Main Woman aged between 18 - 25: The woman will be wearing dark clothing, this will highlight her mood and show her personality through out the song.

Costumes: Main Woman: Wears dark colours, to show the darkness in her personality and to help create a dark theme to the video.

During the scene of the journey of work the man is dressed in a suit however there is a feeling of stress and untidiness (untucked shirt, top button undone etc.) to show the tension that the character is feeling as the video comes closer and closer to the end.

Style of Camerawork and Editing: A wide variety of shots will be used to show emphasis on different things throughout the video (eg. Close-Up of the main woman's face to show hatred and to show fear in the woman's face) and quick editing to match the beat and tempo of the song which will also help keep interest for the viewer. During the performance parts of the music video there will be a range of shots to show the woman's face.

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