Wednesday 7 October 2009

Filming - Day One

During the planning stage of the music video, it was decided that it would be best to split the shots into sections by scene. This would then make the process of filming more structured as well as making it easier to film and edit. Therefore it was decided to film outside shots first in the same day, in order to prevent any shots being missed out and to avoid any confusion.

The weather was sunny which was perfect for the outside filming for the last scene as it showed the contrast between the good times when the man and woman were together and the present day where the man is haunted by his guilt.

Although it was sunny the man was filmed walking underneath a dark railway bridge, this shows the darkness of his heart as well as a feeling of being trapped by his past.

The use of the shaking camera during the man's point of view shot, emphasises the nervousness and tension that he feels as he continues to see the woman throughout the street, in later point of view shots the man becomes more nervous and the camera tends to shake more.

The costume of the man reflects his feelings and his characteristics during his journey to work, the untucked shirt, top button undone, undone buttons of his blazer and his untidy hair show the nervousness, guilt and the tension that he feels from his previous night.

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