Thursday 3 December 2009

DigiPak Trials

In order to gain an understanding of how we could link our DigiPak and Magazine Advert to the Music Video that we created different examples:

We felt that this didn't work very well overall, the reasons we didn't use this our:
  • The cuts in the image were supposed to represent the theme of Shattered Glass, however the outcome of the image created a Halloween effect, which we thought didn't go well with the overall representation of the message we were trying to convey to our audience.
  • We felt that the image didn't blend in very well with the background.
  • The empty space by the side was good as it provided space for the song listings

We felt that this did not work as a front cover for several reasons:
  • The front cover looks to plain and basic.
  • The image was not a good representation for the DigiPak.
  • We felt however if we got rid of the writing this would be good to use as one of the inside covers.

This is one of the first images that we produced for the front cover, however we felt that this did not work at all:
  • The colours didn't work at all
  • We believed that the photo quality of the image was not good enough. As we took a still from the video, as opposed with the other images where we used an actual digital camera.

We thought that this didn't work very well as a front cover for our DigiPak for several reasons:
  • There is a lot of black empty space making the cover look really plain
  • The use of the borders manages to make the image look more interesting
  • The use of still images from the video manages to create a link between the video and the DigiPak.

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