Wednesday 18 November 2009


The settings that were used in the music video were selected carefully to convey different messages and create different atmospheres to the audience.

Dark, Derelict Room: This was chosen to emphasise the feelings of darkness given from the lyrics. The room was dark and empty with very little light to show the feelings that the female character has, the feelings of revenge.

Man's Bedroom & Bathroom: The main reason this certain bedroom was chosen was because of the colours used in the bedroom. The use of the colour blue can be interpreted as the character being calm with the current state and feelings that he has.

Streets: The streets we used were empty and quiet, reflecting on the man's personality. For the first part of the street scene's we filmed it when it was sunny and we specifically chose the railway bridge for meaningful purposes. Although it was sunny the man was filmed walking underneath a dark railway bridge, this shows the darkness of his heart as well as a feeling of being trapped by his past. The further the man's journey comes to an end the darker and quieter the streets become, this reflects on the woman gaining control of the man's mind.

Empty Sidestreet: Like the same reason used for the streets, the empty, quiet sidestreet highlights the male character's feeling of isolation and detachment from the real world, showing that the female character has completely gained control of the man's mind.

Park: We decided to film the outside scene in the park when it was sunny as this would be perfect to show the contrast between the good times which the characters shared and the present day where the man is haunted by his guilt.

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