Wednesday 25 November 2009

Possible Images for the Magazine Ad and DigiPak

These are still images taken from the video which we thought would be appropriate to include in our magazine advertisement and DigiPak. The use of dark colours contrast well to the theme of the song and we thought that generally most of the images selected below would be well suited for the DigiPak.

Plan for Magazine Advertisement and DigiPak

These are possible rough designs that we came up for both the magazine advertisement to promote the release of our video and the digipak which we will be created. Also designs for our digipak can be seen.

Magazine Advertisement Ideas:

DigiPak Ideas:

Wednesday 18 November 2009


The settings that were used in the music video were selected carefully to convey different messages and create different atmospheres to the audience.

Dark, Derelict Room: This was chosen to emphasise the feelings of darkness given from the lyrics. The room was dark and empty with very little light to show the feelings that the female character has, the feelings of revenge.

Man's Bedroom & Bathroom: The main reason this certain bedroom was chosen was because of the colours used in the bedroom. The use of the colour blue can be interpreted as the character being calm with the current state and feelings that he has.

Streets: The streets we used were empty and quiet, reflecting on the man's personality. For the first part of the street scene's we filmed it when it was sunny and we specifically chose the railway bridge for meaningful purposes. Although it was sunny the man was filmed walking underneath a dark railway bridge, this shows the darkness of his heart as well as a feeling of being trapped by his past. The further the man's journey comes to an end the darker and quieter the streets become, this reflects on the woman gaining control of the man's mind.

Empty Sidestreet: Like the same reason used for the streets, the empty, quiet sidestreet highlights the male character's feeling of isolation and detachment from the real world, showing that the female character has completely gained control of the man's mind.

Park: We decided to film the outside scene in the park when it was sunny as this would be perfect to show the contrast between the good times which the characters shared and the present day where the man is haunted by his guilt.

Shattered Glass Lyrics (By Britney Spears)

Did I wake you?
Were you sleeping?
Were you still in the bed?
Or is a nightmare keeping you up instead?
Poor baby, are you feeling guilty for what you did?
If you think you're hurting, you ain't seen nothing yet

Was it really worth it?
Was she everything that you were looking for to feel like a man?
I hope you know that you can't come back
'Cause all we have is broken like shattered glass

You're gonna see me in your dreams tonight
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
I promise that you gon' want me back
When your life falls apart like shattered glass
Glass, glass, glass

Are you having trouble focusing throughout the day?
Do you find yourself still calling my name?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
I bet you realized that she ain't half the woman I am

Was it really worth it?
Was she everything that you were looking for to feel like a man?
I hope you know that you can't come back
'Cause all we have is broken like shattered glass

You're gonna see me in your dreams tonight
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
I promise that you gon' want me back
When your life falls apart like shattered glass
Glass, glass, glass, glass, l-l-like glass, glass, glass

We felt that the chorus in the song was the strongest part of the song, through this we gained a feeling of darkness and revenge. To emphasise the feeling of darkness, we decided to use a dark room with very little lighting as well as using dark costume.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Filming - Day 3

During the third day of filming we decided to film the final scenes of the male character, here we had to do the inside shots as well as the few outside. The first few shots of the music video show the male character getting ready for work, for this we needed to have a plain setting in order to reflect the male character. Initially we found it difficult to find a location which would relate to the male character however eventually found a suitable setting.

The bedroom was plain and lacking in decoration which was perfect for the shots as it showed a clear image of the type of lifestyle the male character has and suggests the effect the woman will possibly have on him during the song.

These shots are of the male getting ready in the bathroom, once again the bathroom was plain white which was a perfect setting as it suggests the simple life that the male character usually has. We did have a few problems while filming these shots as the bathroom was small however this was solved by using many high angled shots which helped create tension and suspense as well as show how the woman is playing with the man's mind as well as gradually gaining control over the male character.

The outside shots show the male character becoming stressed and the setting reflects this. The chosen setting shows a contrast to the male characters normal setting which is usual clean and tidy whereas this setting is messy and dark. This shot in particular uses a very high angled shot with a lot of empty space around him, highlighting the male character's feeling of isolation and detachment from the real world, showing that the female character has completely gained control of the man's mind.