Monday 13 July 2009


As part of our research and planning we created a practice piece which would allow us to find out what works and what does not work when making a music video. We were given a song, which we then had to make a video for, once we had created the video we looked back and analysed it and got audience feedback.

A few points were highlighted by the audience:

- Shots were steady
- Could have used a variety of shots when character was eating
- The meaning behind the video did become slightly confusing to the audience.

Overall the shots in which we used were held steadily when appropriate however the audience did say that a range in shot distances could have been used when showing the character eating the food. They also said that the storyline became slightly confusing towards the end of the video, we have realised that this was down to poor planning. We had an initial idea that we went with however found that it did not fit with the song therefore when making our final piece we will take longer over planning to make sure that our idea will work. This practice piece has made us more aware of the importance of planning.